Perang Dunia Kedua – 1941 – 45

Bismillah. Ya, mungkin ini tidak ada kaitan dengan sejarah Tamparuli tetapi ia sekadar pengetahuan tambahan sebagai rujukan generasi akan datang.

1. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour – Dec 7, 1941
2. Malayan Campaign – Dec 8, 1941 – Jan 31, 1942
3. Philippines Campaign – Dec 8, 1941
4. Battle of Hong Kong – Dec 8, 1941, Fall of Hong Kong Dec 25
5. Fall of Manila – Jan 2, 1942
6. Japanese Invasion of Burma – Jan 5, 1942
7. Battle of Bataan – Jan 7, 1942
8. Operation Paukenschlah – Jan 13, 1942
9. Japanese bombing of Darwin
10. Fall of Singapore
11. Battle of Moscow – Jan 1942
12. Battle of Changsha – Jan 1942
13. Doolittle Raid – April 18, 1942
14. Battle of Coral Sea – May 18, 1942
15. Battle of Midway – June 4, 1942
16. Fall of Tobruk – June 21,1942
17. Battle of EI Alamein – July 1, 1942
18. Case Blue – July 1942
19. Fall of Sevastopol – July 1, 1942
20. Order No.227 – July 28, 1942
21. Battle of Rzhev – July 30, 1942
22. Battle of Caucasus – August 2, 1942
23. Operation Watchtower – August 7, 1942
24. Battle of Savo Island – August 8, 1942
25. Operation Jubilee – August 19, 1942
26. Battle of Tenaru – August 21, 1942
27. Towards Stalingrad – August 23, 1942
28. Battle of Stalingrad – Sept 3, 1942
29. 2nd Battle of EI Alamein – Oct 23, 1942
30. Battle of Santa Cruz Island – Oct 26, 1942
31. Battle for Henderson Field – Oct 1942
32. Operation Torch – Nov 8, 1942
33. Opertion Uranus – Nov 19, 1942
34. Operation Winter Storm – Dec 12, 1942
35. Libya – Jan 23, 1943
36. New Guinea Campaign – Jan 26, 1943
37. Sixth Army – Feb 2, 1943
38. Allied – Guadalcanal – Feb 9, 1943
39. Operation Little Saturn – Feb 14, 1943
40. Battle of Neretva – March 1, 1943
41. Battle of Medenine – March 6, 1943
42. Battle of EI Guettar – April 3, 1943
43. Operation Vengeance – April 18, 1943
44. Warsaw Ghetto – April 19, 1943
45. Operation Vulcan – May 6, 1943
46. Surrender of the Africa – May 13, 1943
47. Black May – May 24, 1943
48. Turning Point in the Atlantic – June 1943
49. Operation Cartwheel(Solomon Island) – June 21, 1943
50. New Georgia Campaign – June 24, 1943
51. Operation Citadel – July 5, 1943
52. Battle of Kursk – July 5, 1943
53. Operation Husky – July 10, 1943
54. Battle of Prokhorovka – July 12, 1943
55. Bombing of Rome – July 19, 1943
56. Operation Kutuzov – July 20, 1943
57. Fall of Mussolini – July 25, 1943
58. Operation Rumyantsev – August 3, 1943
59. Soviet Liberation of Kharkove – August 23, 1943
60. Battle of Dnieper – August 26, 1943
61. Italian Campaign – Sept 3, 1943
62. The Gran Sasso Raid – Sept 12, 1943
63. Operation Alarich – Sept 19, 1943
64. Soviet Liberation of Smolensk – Sept 25, 1943
65. Soviet Liberation of Kiev – Nov 7, 1943
66. Gilbert and Marshall Islands Campaign – Nov 8, 1943
67. Bougainville Campaign – Nov 11, 1943
68. Battle of Changde – Nov 14, 1943
69. Britian Campaign – Dec 15, 1943
70. Battle of Cape Gloucester – Dec 26, 1943
71. Novgorod Offensive – Jan 12, 1944
72. Battle of Monte Cassino – Jan 17, 1944
73. Operation Shingle – Jan 22, 1944
74. Red Army – Jan 27, 1944
75. Battle of Narva – Feb 2, 1944
76. Dnieper-Carpathian Offensive – March 4, 1944
77. Operation U-Go (Japanese Invasion of Northern India) – March 1944
78. Battle of Imphal – March 8, 1944
79. Battle of Kohima – April, 1944
80. Operation Ichi-Go – April, 1944
81. Battle of Anzio – April 5, 1944
82. Crimean Offensive – April 8, 1944
83. Soviet Liberation of Odessa – April 10, 1944
84. Soviet Liberation of Sevastopol – May 9, 1944
85. Allied Capture of Monte Cassino – May 18, 1944
86. Allied Liberation of Rome – June 4, 1944
87. Operation Overload – June 6, 1944
88. Vyborg-Petrozavodsk – June 10, 1944
89. Mariana and Palau Campaign – June 15, 1944
90. Battle of Northern Burma and Western Yunnan – June 18, 1944
91. Battle of the Philippine Sea – June 19, 1944
92. Operation Bagration – June 22, 1944
93. Vitebsk-Orsha – June 23, 1944
94. Bobruysk Offensive – June 25, 1944
95. Minsk Offensive – July 3, 1944
96. Soviet Liberation of Minsk – July 4, 1944
97. Red Army Advance towards Poland – July 6, 1944
98. Battle of Tali – July 9, 1944
99. Lvov-Sandomierz Offensive – July 13, 1944
100. American Capture of Saipan – July, 1944
101. Operation Valkyrie – July 20, 1944
102. Warsaw Uprising – August 1, 1944
103. Allied Liberation of Guam – August 10, 1944
104. Operation Dragoon – August 15, 1944
105. Jassy-Kishinev Offensive – August 20, 1944
106. Surrender fo Romania – August 23, 1944
107. Allied Liberation of Paris – August 24, 1944
108. Siegfried Line Campaign – August 25, 1944
109. Allied Liberation of Brussels – Sept 3, 1944
110. Allied Liberation of Antwerp – Sept 5, 1944
111. Allied Liberation of Luxembourg – Sept 10, 1944
112. Allied Liberation of Greece – Sept, 1944
113. Baltic Offensive – Sept 14, 1944
114. Battle of Peleliu – Sept 15, 1944
115. Operation Market Garden – Sept 17, 1944
116. East Carpathian Offensive – Sept 18, 1944
117. Belgrade Offensive – Sept, 1944
118. Moscow Armistice – Sept 19, 1944
119. Battle of Arnhem – Sept, 1944
120. Battle of Hurtgen Forest – Sept 21, 1944
121. Battle of Scheldt – Oct 2, 1944
122. Petsamo-Krikenes Offensive – Oct 7, 1944
123. Battle of Aachen – Oct 21, 1944
124. Battle of Leyte Gulf – Oct 25, 1944
125. Budapest Offensive – Oct 29, 1944
126. Battle of the Philippines – Oct 30, 1944
127. Battle of Leyte – Nov 1, 1944
128. Battle of the Bulge – Dec 16, 1944
129. Operation Nordwind – Jan 1, 1945
130. Allies Advance towards Germany – Jan 10, 1945
131. East Prissian Offensive – Jan 13, 1945
132. Vistula-Oder Offensive – Jan 15, 1945
133. Soviet Liberation of Warsaw – Jan 17, 1945
134. Soviet Liberation of Auschwitz – Jan 27, 1945
135. Red Army Advance Towards Berlin – Jan 29, 1945
136. Battle of Luzon – Feb 1, 1945
137. Allied Bombing of Dresden – Feb 13, 1945
138. Operation Solstice – Feb 15, 1945
139. Battle of Iwo Jima – Feb 19, 1945
140. Operation Meetinghouse – March 6, 1945
141. Operation Spring Awakening – March 16, 1945
142. Operation Plunder – March 23, 1945
143. Silesian Offensive – March 27, 1945
144. East Pomerian Offensive – March 30, 1945
145. Allies Enter Frankfurt – April 4, 1945
146. Vienna Offensive – April 5, 1945
147. Operation Grapeshot – April 6, 1945
148. Battle of Okinawa – April 8, 1945
149. Battle of West Hunan – April 9, 1945
150. Sinking of the Yamato – April 1945
151. Red Army Enter Konigsberg – April 9, 1945
152. Allied Liberation of Buchenwald – April 11, 1945
153. Death of Roosevelt – April 12, 1945
154. Fall of Vienna – April 13, 1945
155. Red Army Reach Outskirts of Berlin – April 19, 1945
156. Battle of Berlin – April 20, 1945
157. Elbe Day – April 25, 1945
158. Death of Mussolini – April 28, 1945
159. Death of Hitler – April 30, 1945
160. Fall of Berlin – May 2, 1945
161. Fall of Nazi – May 2, 1945
162. Surrender of Germany – May 7, 1945
163. Victory in Europe – May 8, 1945
164. Allied Occupation of Okinawa – June 21, 1945
165. Charter of the United Nations – June 26, 1945
166. Operation August Storm – August 8, 1945
167. Surrender of Japan – August 15, 1945
168. End of WW2 – Sept 2, 1945