Biggest Military Exercise at Kota Belud

Bismillah. In January the first contingent or British Army troops, 2nd battalion of the 7th Duke of Edinburgh’s Own Gurkha rifles arrived for training in the Kota Belud Training Area. This open country in the west Coast Residency provides a training area without parallel for Forces stationed in Far East and indeed, the only area in the region in which training in open warfare can be undertaken. More training exercises place later in the year. In one of these a section of the North Borneo Police Mobile Force joined in training with the Army.

In another, in October military force combined with naval personnel in a joint Army/Navy exercise. The Aircraft carrier H.M.S. Bulwark transported troops of the 2/2 Gurkha Rifles from Singapore to the coast off Kota Belud whence they were landed by helicopter and beach landing craft to undertake a series of exercise in the training area before re-embarkation. An Invitation by the Captain of H.M.S. “Bulwark” to two of the leading Native Chiefs to visit the aircraft carrier by helicopter and various social activities by the Gurkha created a very friendly atmosphere.

Throughout the year work on the establishment or the Camp area proceeded. There have inevitably been teething troubles arising from the land requirement of the Army but except for one period of short duration. relations between the local people and the troops posted to the area have been generally good. In this respect two striking examples of goodwill on the part of soldiers in the area deserved to be mentioned. The first was the spontaneous effort of a small group of Australians from No. 11 Independent Field Squadron. Royal Engineers. Who organised a collection of £A400 between them on behalf of a local twelve year old blind boy in Kota Belud. Although the treatment which the boy was able to receive could not restore his sight, the balance of the funds was invested in land and buffaloes to be of the permanent benefit to him.

NOTES: 1959, 61 at coast west Kota Belud (Usukan Bay) and Kudat


According to Britishpathe “Pony Express”, began May 1 when a squadron of helicopters took off from the British Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS ‘Bulwark’ and landed Royal Marines of the 42nd Commando on the beach at Kota Belud, North Borneo. Operating a shuttle service between beach and carrier, the helicopters landed 500 British and Australian troops. These were quickly joined by U.S. Marines brought in by helicopters from the US carrier ‘Thetis Bay’. After the beaches had been ‘secured’, more troops and supplies were ferried ashore efficiently by landing craft. Nearly 20,000 naval personnel, 6,000 assault troops, 81 ships, fighters and bombers from Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the USA, are taking part in “Pony Express”, which was designed to illustrate how quickly member nations would come to the aid of the ally.


British Pathe and North Borneo annual report.

This Guy Built Hall and Cooper Memorial at Tamparuli


The two soldiers from The Royal Army Service Corps and The Royal Army Medical Corps. The Bodies of Pte’s Hall & Cooper from the River.

On the 18th May 1960, two Army personnel, a driver and a medical assistant, were assisting in transporting a seriously ill native woman from kampung Sayap to hospital in Jesselton from Kota Belud, and on reaching Tamparuli bridge found the river in floods and the water a few feet above the level of the bridge.

The need to take their patient to hospital was very urgent so they attempted to cross the flooded river but their ambulance(LandRover) was swept off the bridge and both the soldiers and the native women lost their lives.

A public subscription is being raised by the people of the villages concerned for the purpose of erecting a memorial to commemorate the bravery of the soldiers.

Norm Jagger is the one who built this very monument after the tragedy. Info from Sapper Anthony, He have discovered that the memorial at the end of the bridge to Hall & Cooper at Tamparuli was officially commemorated on 6 Sept 1961.

Thanks to Sapper Hank Lawerence Ex 11 Independent Field Squadron RE on his Website. The Bodies of Pte’s Hall & Cooper from the River of TUARAN (Tragedy of Tamparuli on May 18th 1960), Their name are written on the wall.

Location: National Memorial Arboretum Alrewas Staffordshire – Anthony Catherall.

Hall dived in to see if he could save anyone. Sadly, they were all drowned.


I have been to the National Memorial Arboretum several times and seen this memorial, it is a truly wonderful place to visit set in 135 acres in Staffordshire. In April 2017 I was asked to officiate at the ceremony when the 11 Indep Fld Sqn RE plaque was placed in the Far East section of the Aboretum – Ex Sapper Anthony

Photo copyrighted by Ex Sapper Hank Lawerence.

Lest We Forget – Malaya and Borneo

Bismillah. From Hank Sapper Hank Lawrence. Seen on 11 Independent Field Squadron Royal Engineer who served in Malaya and Borneo (Kota Belud). This photo from Ray Lambert (1954 – 1957).
We should never forget the Allied and Axis forces, Malaysian Army, the Sabahan Rangers, and our all our ancestors who defended our country when the Japanese invaded in WW2, and the Malay Emergency and Indonesia confrontation.
Soldiers from various Units and Squadrons that were based in Malaya and Borneo. Royal Engineers were working hard in Malaya (Malaysia) to regenerate our country after being invaded by the Japanese in WW2.
They say and it’s true, that every photograph tells a story. ANDAINYA KITA TERLUPA, LEST WE FORGET.

Tragedy at Tamparuli Bridge in 1960

Bismillah. Tragedy at Tamparuli Bridge in 1960


Sapper Anthony, “It was a terrible time with all 3 people drowning, I have never forgot it and never will.” The two soldiers from The Royal Army Service Corps and The Royal Army Medical Corps, it was a terrible time.

Cooper, if we die! We die with Honor and Glory’! Hall, on reaching the bridge where water was overflowing over it, got out of the Land Rover and was guiding Cooper as he tried to negotiate the bridge. The woman was strapped in the vehicle in the back. Hall dived in to see if he could save anyone. Sadly, they were all drowned.

Soldiers from various Units and Squadrons that were based in both the Main Camp and Camp Paradise Kota Belud bow their heads at the service. The burial service at Camp Paradise of Pte JWN Hall RAMC and Driver DC Cooper. They were later re-interred at Labuan Military Cemetery.

We’re not re-quoting, creating, or re-writing history, BUT we are sharing history especially for young children today and future generations, the truth is important’. We should never forget the Allied and Axis forces, Malaysian Army, the Sabahan Rangers, and our all our ancestors who defended our country when the Japanese invaded in WW2.

FYI, Need more research the lady from kg Sayap.

Tragedi Jambatan Tamparuli 1960

Kisah menyayat hati dan peristiwa yang tidak mungkin akan dilupai buat selama-lamanya kata seorang bekas tentera dalam unit 11 Independent Squadron Field RE tuan Anthony Caterall yang kini berusia 80 tahun. Saya berkesempatan berbicara dengan beliau mengenai tugas serta tragedi lemas dua tentera British bersama seorang wanita tempatan dari kampung Sayap yang cedera kerana amukan tetakan parang. Video dibawah memaparkan sedikit kisah mengenai tragedi tersebut, In shaa Allah kisah ini juga akan diceritakan dalam buku fizikal yang bakal terbit kelak.



TEASER! Buku fizikal bakal terbit! Sejarah Tamparuli North Borneo.


SAYA MUHAMMAD SUHAILY GEORGE – Anak kepada mendiang Korporal George Gutok bekas tentera 2nd Royal Ranger Regiment (Sabahan RRD) Osiou Oh Kamanang (Who Dares, Wins) yang terlibat dengan pembersihan penganas Komunis, Darurat dan Konfrontasi Indonesia. 2nd Ranger RRD majoriti adalah dari suku Kadazan Dusun. Pada 24 September 1963 seramai 120 anak jati Sabah menyertai angota Ranger dan mereka kemudiannya telah dihantar ke pusat latihan rekrut askar Gurkha di Sg Petani. Korporal George Gutok adalah anak jati Sabah berbangsa Dusun bersama unit 2nd Ranger yang dihantar untuk diberi latihan ketenteraan di Sg Petani Kedah. Beliau telah meninggal dunia pada umur 72 tahun atas sebab kanser prostate tahap 4. 

Penulis bersama Anthony Catherall dan Muhammad Suhaily (Collaboration between Dusunman and Englishman, title of the book given by Anthony.)
Regimen Askar Jurutera British – 11 Independent Field Squadron RE Malaya & North Borneo



60 years ago they were standing here.

Kisah ini diceritakan oleh tentera British RE yang kini berumur 80 tahun dan menetap di UK London. Mengisahkan perjalanan seorang tentera British dari London yang di hantar ke Malaya dari tahun 1959-62. Beliau bersama unit belayar menaiki kapal HMT dan sampai ke Singapura pada tahun 1959. Beliau kemudiannya bersama kumpulannya menaiki keretapi ke Prai dan melaksanakan tugasan di beberapa lokasi seperti Butterworth, Gerik dan Kem Terendak Melaka. Mereka dari unit 11 Independent Squadron Field Royal Engineer RE. Tugas utama adalah membaikpulih infrastruktur seperti jalanraya dan jambatan terutamanya jalan perhubungan yang musnah semasa pedudukan serta serangan tentera Jepun pada tahun 1945. Banyak kemusnahan telah berlaku ketika itu, mereka juga berkerja keras untuk membina jalan perhubungan di kawasan luar bandar sebagai laluan perhubugan jalan darat. Sebahagian unit dihantar untuk membantu tentera kerajaan Malaysia dalam usaha pembersihan penganas Komunis pada ketika itu. Gambar disebelah kiri adalah penempatan sementara beliau bersama unit II Independent Squadron Field Royal Engineer RE selama 6 minggu di Tapong Perak. Menaiktaraf serta membina jalan baru terutama di Gerik (Grik) bagi tujuan perhubungan jalan alternatif untuk menghubungkan beberapa kawasan kampung dan jalan jip tentera.



Anthony Catherall dilahirkan pada 15hb Julai 1940 di West Ewell Surrey UK. Menyertai unit Royal Engineer dalam tahun 1958 dan telah mengikuti latihan dalam ketenteraan 6 regimen RE Cove, Hampshire. Selepas itu beliau ditempatkan di NCO’s Cadre namun beliau gagal lalu ditempatkan ke luar negara untuk beberapa tugasan penting. Beliau meninggalkan Southampton pada tahun 1959 bersama unitnya ke Singapore menaiki

kapal HMT Empire Fowey. Beliau ditempatkan di Malaya Bersama unit 11 Independent Field Squadron RE di Butterworth dari tahun 1959 hingga 1962. Beliau menerima kelayakan sebagai penerjun di Changi Singapura pada Disember 1961. Selepas berkhidmat di Jerman selama dua(2) tahun beliau kemudiannya bersara pada tahun 1964.Selepasa persarahan, beliau menyertai Surrey Fire Brigade pada bulan september 1964. Selama beberapa tahun, beliau dinaikkan dalam perjawatan dan sehinggalah pada tahun1972 beliau telah bersara sebagai ‘Station Officer’ jawatan pegawai pemasaran kordinator di ibupejabat Surrey Fire Brigade bertempat di Wray Park International Training Centre Reigate Surrey dan sehingga bulan oktober 1990 beliau telah bersara sepenuhnya dari bekerja sepenuh masa. Selain dari itu beliau menghabiskan 9 tahun bekerja secara  separuh masa bersama Age Concern Doncaster South Yorkshire dimana tugas beliau lebih kepada menjaga kebajikan orang-orang veteran.

NORTH BORNE – Camp Paradise Kota Belud.

Pada tahun 1960 unit mereka kemudiannya dihantar ke North Borneo yang berpengkalan di Kem Paradise Kota Belud. Tugas utama adalah membaikpulih perhubungan darat serta membina jalanraya yang menghubungkan Kota Belud dan Pekan Tamparuli serta beberapa kawasan lain. Bukan sesuatu yang mudah dengan keadaan mukabumi yang berbukit bukau ditambah dengan keadaan berbatu, jalan berliku-liku menyebabkan beberapa kemalangan telah berlaku sehingga jentera jentolak pada ketika itu rosak dan sukar dibaiki.

Satu peristiwa yang sukar dilupai ialah tragedi lemas dua pegawai tentera British dan seorang penduduk tempatan wanita yang cedera teruk akibat tetakan parang amuk suaminya di kampung sayap. Dalam perjalanan ke Jesselton (Kota Kinabalu) mereka perlu melalui Jambatan Tamparuli yang pada ketika itu air pasang dan membanjiri laluan tersebut.

Apakan daya, hanya ini laluan utama untuk ke Jesselton dan demi tanggungjawab untuk membantu serta mendapatkan rawatan wanita tersebut dua tentera British iaitu Cooper dan Hall terpaksa melalui Jambatan tersebut. ‘Cooper, if we die! We die with Honor and Glory’! Tidak ada pilihan, mereka melaluinya dengan kereta LandRover tentera bersama wanita tersebut. 

Dalam keadaan berhati-hati dan cemas, secara tiba-tiba kepala air besar menghanyutkan kereta tersebut, Cooper cuba untuk menyelamatkan rakannya serta wanita yang tersepit dibahagian belakang namun tidak kesampaian sehingga ketiga-tiga mereka hilang dari pandangan dengan amukan air yang deras. Kisah menyayat hati yang mengorbankan dua tentera British dan seorang wanita tempatan.

Hanya selepas tiga hari mayat tentera tersebut ditemui namun mayat wanita yang cedera parah tidak dijumpai. Sesuatu yang sukar dilupai dan tidak akan hilang diingatan buat selama-lamanya. Tragedi yang berlaku lebih 60 tahun lepas masih segar dalam ingatan kata salah seorang rakannya dalam unit yang sama yang kini berusia 80 tahun. Demi memperingati dan mengenang jasa mereka serta pengalaman tugasan di Malaya-North Borneo, maka sebuah buku fizikal penulisan bersama Muhammad Suhaily dan Anthony Catherall bekas veteran tentera British (Ex 11 Independent Squadron Field RE yang bertajuk(title) ‘tunggu sebagai kejutan(suprise!)’. In shaa Allah sebuah buku yang menarik sebagai tatapan dan renungan bahan sejarah untuk generasi akan datang. Mengapa buku ini dihasilkan dan manisnya isi dalaman semuanya diceritakan dalam perjalanannya sesuai dengan air mata yang membanjiri Jambatan Tamparuli. Nantikan kemunculannya. In shaa Allah.

Majukan pertanyaan tuan/puan diruang komen untuk tidak ketinggalan mendapatkan buku fizikal ini. Bha, siapa ja local Tamparuli, orang kampung atau yang ada kisah tentang tragedi di Jambatan Tamparuli, bolehlah berkongsi bersama. Bukti dan fakta penting kami akan muatkan dalam buku fizikal ini nanti, kredit atas nama tuan/puan nanti. Bha, poinsikou togumu kio..