Perang Dunia Kedua – 1941 – 45

Bismillah. Ya, mungkin ini tidak ada kaitan dengan sejarah Tamparuli tetapi ia sekadar pengetahuan tambahan sebagai rujukan generasi akan datang.

1. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour – Dec 7, 1941
2. Malayan Campaign – Dec 8, 1941 – Jan 31, 1942
3. Philippines Campaign – Dec 8, 1941
4. Battle of Hong Kong – Dec 8, 1941, Fall of Hong Kong Dec 25
5. Fall of Manila – Jan 2, 1942
6. Japanese Invasion of Burma – Jan 5, 1942
7. Battle of Bataan – Jan 7, 1942
8. Operation Paukenschlah – Jan 13, 1942
9. Japanese bombing of Darwin
10. Fall of Singapore
11. Battle of Moscow – Jan 1942
12. Battle of Changsha – Jan 1942
13. Doolittle Raid – April 18, 1942
14. Battle of Coral Sea – May 18, 1942
15. Battle of Midway – June 4, 1942
16. Fall of Tobruk – June 21,1942
17. Battle of EI Alamein – July 1, 1942
18. Case Blue – July 1942
19. Fall of Sevastopol – July 1, 1942
20. Order No.227 – July 28, 1942
21. Battle of Rzhev – July 30, 1942
22. Battle of Caucasus – August 2, 1942
23. Operation Watchtower – August 7, 1942
24. Battle of Savo Island – August 8, 1942
25. Operation Jubilee – August 19, 1942
26. Battle of Tenaru – August 21, 1942
27. Towards Stalingrad – August 23, 1942
28. Battle of Stalingrad – Sept 3, 1942
29. 2nd Battle of EI Alamein – Oct 23, 1942
30. Battle of Santa Cruz Island – Oct 26, 1942
31. Battle for Henderson Field – Oct 1942
32. Operation Torch – Nov 8, 1942
33. Opertion Uranus – Nov 19, 1942
34. Operation Winter Storm – Dec 12, 1942
35. Libya – Jan 23, 1943
36. New Guinea Campaign – Jan 26, 1943
37. Sixth Army – Feb 2, 1943
38. Allied – Guadalcanal – Feb 9, 1943
39. Operation Little Saturn – Feb 14, 1943
40. Battle of Neretva – March 1, 1943
41. Battle of Medenine – March 6, 1943
42. Battle of EI Guettar – April 3, 1943
43. Operation Vengeance – April 18, 1943
44. Warsaw Ghetto – April 19, 1943
45. Operation Vulcan – May 6, 1943
46. Surrender of the Africa – May 13, 1943
47. Black May – May 24, 1943
48. Turning Point in the Atlantic – June 1943
49. Operation Cartwheel(Solomon Island) – June 21, 1943
50. New Georgia Campaign – June 24, 1943
51. Operation Citadel – July 5, 1943
52. Battle of Kursk – July 5, 1943
53. Operation Husky – July 10, 1943
54. Battle of Prokhorovka – July 12, 1943
55. Bombing of Rome – July 19, 1943
56. Operation Kutuzov – July 20, 1943
57. Fall of Mussolini – July 25, 1943
58. Operation Rumyantsev – August 3, 1943
59. Soviet Liberation of Kharkove – August 23, 1943
60. Battle of Dnieper – August 26, 1943
61. Italian Campaign – Sept 3, 1943
62. The Gran Sasso Raid – Sept 12, 1943
63. Operation Alarich – Sept 19, 1943
64. Soviet Liberation of Smolensk – Sept 25, 1943
65. Soviet Liberation of Kiev – Nov 7, 1943
66. Gilbert and Marshall Islands Campaign – Nov 8, 1943
67. Bougainville Campaign – Nov 11, 1943
68. Battle of Changde – Nov 14, 1943
69. Britian Campaign – Dec 15, 1943
70. Battle of Cape Gloucester – Dec 26, 1943
71. Novgorod Offensive – Jan 12, 1944
72. Battle of Monte Cassino – Jan 17, 1944
73. Operation Shingle – Jan 22, 1944
74. Red Army – Jan 27, 1944
75. Battle of Narva – Feb 2, 1944
76. Dnieper-Carpathian Offensive – March 4, 1944
77. Operation U-Go (Japanese Invasion of Northern India) – March 1944
78. Battle of Imphal – March 8, 1944
79. Battle of Kohima – April, 1944
80. Operation Ichi-Go – April, 1944
81. Battle of Anzio – April 5, 1944
82. Crimean Offensive – April 8, 1944
83. Soviet Liberation of Odessa – April 10, 1944
84. Soviet Liberation of Sevastopol – May 9, 1944
85. Allied Capture of Monte Cassino – May 18, 1944
86. Allied Liberation of Rome – June 4, 1944
87. Operation Overload – June 6, 1944
88. Vyborg-Petrozavodsk – June 10, 1944
89. Mariana and Palau Campaign – June 15, 1944
90. Battle of Northern Burma and Western Yunnan – June 18, 1944
91. Battle of the Philippine Sea – June 19, 1944
92. Operation Bagration – June 22, 1944
93. Vitebsk-Orsha – June 23, 1944
94. Bobruysk Offensive – June 25, 1944
95. Minsk Offensive – July 3, 1944
96. Soviet Liberation of Minsk – July 4, 1944
97. Red Army Advance towards Poland – July 6, 1944
98. Battle of Tali – July 9, 1944
99. Lvov-Sandomierz Offensive – July 13, 1944
100. American Capture of Saipan – July, 1944
101. Operation Valkyrie – July 20, 1944
102. Warsaw Uprising – August 1, 1944
103. Allied Liberation of Guam – August 10, 1944
104. Operation Dragoon – August 15, 1944
105. Jassy-Kishinev Offensive – August 20, 1944
106. Surrender fo Romania – August 23, 1944
107. Allied Liberation of Paris – August 24, 1944
108. Siegfried Line Campaign – August 25, 1944
109. Allied Liberation of Brussels – Sept 3, 1944
110. Allied Liberation of Antwerp – Sept 5, 1944
111. Allied Liberation of Luxembourg – Sept 10, 1944
112. Allied Liberation of Greece – Sept, 1944
113. Baltic Offensive – Sept 14, 1944
114. Battle of Peleliu – Sept 15, 1944
115. Operation Market Garden – Sept 17, 1944
116. East Carpathian Offensive – Sept 18, 1944
117. Belgrade Offensive – Sept, 1944
118. Moscow Armistice – Sept 19, 1944
119. Battle of Arnhem – Sept, 1944
120. Battle of Hurtgen Forest – Sept 21, 1944
121. Battle of Scheldt – Oct 2, 1944
122. Petsamo-Krikenes Offensive – Oct 7, 1944
123. Battle of Aachen – Oct 21, 1944
124. Battle of Leyte Gulf – Oct 25, 1944
125. Budapest Offensive – Oct 29, 1944
126. Battle of the Philippines – Oct 30, 1944
127. Battle of Leyte – Nov 1, 1944
128. Battle of the Bulge – Dec 16, 1944
129. Operation Nordwind – Jan 1, 1945
130. Allies Advance towards Germany – Jan 10, 1945
131. East Prissian Offensive – Jan 13, 1945
132. Vistula-Oder Offensive – Jan 15, 1945
133. Soviet Liberation of Warsaw – Jan 17, 1945
134. Soviet Liberation of Auschwitz – Jan 27, 1945
135. Red Army Advance Towards Berlin – Jan 29, 1945
136. Battle of Luzon – Feb 1, 1945
137. Allied Bombing of Dresden – Feb 13, 1945
138. Operation Solstice – Feb 15, 1945
139. Battle of Iwo Jima – Feb 19, 1945
140. Operation Meetinghouse – March 6, 1945
141. Operation Spring Awakening – March 16, 1945
142. Operation Plunder – March 23, 1945
143. Silesian Offensive – March 27, 1945
144. East Pomerian Offensive – March 30, 1945
145. Allies Enter Frankfurt – April 4, 1945
146. Vienna Offensive – April 5, 1945
147. Operation Grapeshot – April 6, 1945
148. Battle of Okinawa – April 8, 1945
149. Battle of West Hunan – April 9, 1945
150. Sinking of the Yamato – April 1945
151. Red Army Enter Konigsberg – April 9, 1945
152. Allied Liberation of Buchenwald – April 11, 1945
153. Death of Roosevelt – April 12, 1945
154. Fall of Vienna – April 13, 1945
155. Red Army Reach Outskirts of Berlin – April 19, 1945
156. Battle of Berlin – April 20, 1945
157. Elbe Day – April 25, 1945
158. Death of Mussolini – April 28, 1945
159. Death of Hitler – April 30, 1945
160. Fall of Berlin – May 2, 1945
161. Fall of Nazi – May 2, 1945
162. Surrender of Germany – May 7, 1945
163. Victory in Europe – May 8, 1945
164. Allied Occupation of Okinawa – June 21, 1945
165. Charter of the United Nations – June 26, 1945
166. Operation August Storm – August 8, 1945
167. Surrender of Japan – August 15, 1945
168. End of WW2 – Sept 2, 1945

2 thoughts on “Perang Dunia Kedua – 1941 – 45

  1. WWII began on sept 1st 1939 when Germany invaded Poland and subsequently UK and France declared war. Between 1939 and 1941 Germany conquered much of Continental Europe.
    June 22 1941 Germany attacked Russia. In December 1941 Germans where in middle of battle of Moscow: Russians started their counteroffensive. – Jerzy Malczynski

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